Research lab: Kristen McMaster
Create conditions for successful response to intervention of academically diverse learners by:
- Promoting teachers' use of data-based decision-making and evidence-based instruction
- Developing individualized interventions for students for whom generally effective instruction is not sufficient
Quote from Kristen McMaster
My research interests involve creating conditions for successful response to intervention of academically diverse learners, including students at-risk, students with disabilities, and students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
Recent publications
McMaster, K. L., van den Broek, P., Espin, C. A., Pinto, V., Janda, B., Lam, E. A., Hsu, H., Jung, P., Leinen, A. B., & van Boekel, M. (2015). Developing a reading comprehension intervention: Translating cognitive theory to educational practice. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 40, 28-40. DOI: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2014.04.001.
McMaster, K., Jung, P. Brandes, D., Pinto, V., Fuchs, D., Kearns, D., Lemons, C., Saenz, L., & Yen, L. (2014). Customizing an evidence-based reading practice: Balancing fidelity and flexibility. The Reading Teacher, 68, 3, 173-183.
Lam, E. A. & McMaster, K.L. (2014). Predictors of responsiveness to early literacy intervention: A ten year update. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 37, 134-147. DOI: 10.1177/0731948714529772.
McMaster, K. L., Espin, C. A., & van den Broek, P. (2014). Making connections: Linking cognitive science and intervention research to improve comprehension of struggling readers. Invited article for Learning Disabilities Research & Practice. 29, 17-24.