College of Education and Human Development

Department of Educational Psychology

Ed Psych's LADDER Leadership Training Grant to start this fall

Kristen McMaster

A new $2 million training grant, the Leaders in Advancing Data Decisions for Educational Responsiveness (LADDER), will start this fall. This grant strives to educate highly qualified, doctoral-level personnel who can advance the study and effective implementation of data-based instruction (DBI). These LADDER scholars will also increase the number of researchers and special education trainers in higher education leadership positions, as well as in district, state, and federal agencies.

LADDER was created in partnership between the University of Minnesota (UMN) and the University of Texas at Austin (UT) and was funded by the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services at the US Department of Education. The grant is led by Dr. Jessica Toste (UT), Dr. Christian Doabler (UT), and Dr. Kristen McMaster (UMN). Dr. McMaster is the Guy Bond Chair in Reading in the Department of Educational Psychology's special education program.

The LADDER grant will be officially starting and recruiting in October 2024.