College of Education and Human Development

Department of Educational Psychology

Ed Psych faculty recognized at CEHD Spring Assembly

(L to R) Jeffrey Bye, Jessie Kember, Panayiota (Pani) Kendeou, Andrew Zieffler, and Faith Miller

At the 2024 CEHD Spring Assembly, five Ed Psych faculty members were recognized with CEHD-specific and university-wide awards. These awards are presented to CEHD faculty and staff nominated by peers and colleagues to acknowledge their outstanding work in the college.

CEHD award winners

Jeffrey Bye (psychological foundations of education) received the Distinguished Teaching Award

Panayiota (Pani) Kendeou  (psychological foundations of education) received the Educational Leadership Award

Faith Miller (school psychology) received the Excellence in Academic Advising Award

University-wide award winners

Jessie Kember (school psychology) received the Provost Unit Service Award

Andrew Zieffler (quantitative methods in education) received the Graduate and Professional Education Award

Congratulations to all!