Faith Miller
Pronouns: she, her, hers
John W. and Nancy E. Peyton Faculty Fellow in Child and Adolescent Wellbeing, associate professor
Educational Psychology
342 Education Sciences Bldg.
56 East River Road
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0364 - 612-625-0615
- Download Curriculum Vitae [PDF]

Areas of interest
- Multi-tiered systems of support for social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties (SEBD)
- Evidence-based assessment and intervention for SEBD
- Data-based decision making
PhD, The Pennsylvania State University
MEd, The Pennsylvania State University
My research program is focused on the implementation and sustainability of evidence-based practices in schools, particularly as it relates to improving outcomes for children who experience social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties (SEBD). Through my research, I examine critical factors that lead to the implementation of evidence-based practices for students with SEBD within multi-tiered systems of support. This includes the use of defensible assessments to inform data-based decision-making and problem-solving, as well as the development and delivery of a continuum of high-quality interventions to improve student outcomes. As an applied researcher, I work to bridge the research-to-practice gap in order to improve outcomes for students with SEBD.
Some of my current projects involve: (a) unified validation of Direct Behavior Rating – Single Item Scales, including evaluations of construct, concurrent, and predictive validity, (b) the use of meta-analysis to identify evidence-based practice, (c) evaluating SEB assessment practices within multi-tiered systems of support, and (d) using assessments to inform intervention provision for students with SEBD.
For more information, please see my CV, my website, or my Google Scholar Profile.
Note to prospective students: I am currently accepting new PhD advisees and am especially interested in prospective students who are interested in conducting applied assessment and intervention research in schools. I aim to train and mentor students who will become innovative leaders in the field of school psychology.
Affiliate faculty
The Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement
University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
*Denotes student co-author.
*Houri, A., & Miller, F. G. (2020). A systematic review of universal screeners to evaluate social-emotional and behavioral aspects of kindergarten readiness. Early Education and Development, 31, 653-675. doi: 10.1080/10409289.2019.1677132
Miller, F. G., Chafouleas, S. M., Welsh, M. E., Riley-Tillman, T. C., & Fabiano, G. A. (2019). Examining the stability of social, emotional, and behavioral risk status: Implications for screening frequency. School Psychology, 34, 43-53. doi: 10.1037/spq0000252
*Schardt, A. A., Miller, F. G., & Bedesem, P. (2019). The effects of CellF-Monitoring on students’ academic engagement. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 21, 42-49. doi: 10.1177/1098300718773462
*Fitzgerald Leahy, L., Miller, F. G., & *Schardt, A. A. (2019). The effects of teacher-directed opportunities to respond on student behavioral outcomes: A quantitative synthesis of single-case research. Journal of Behavioral Education, 28, 78-106. doi: 0.1007/s10864-018-9307-x
Miller, F. G., Johnson, A. H., Yu, H., Chafouleas, S. M., McCoach, D. B., Riley-Tillman, T. C., Fabiano, G. A., & Welsh, M. E. (2018). Methods matter: A multitrait-multimethod analysis of student behavior. Journal of School Psychology, 68, 53-72. doi: 10.1016/j.jsp.2018.01.002
Miller, F. G., & Cook, C. R., *Zhang, Y. (2018). Linking assessment to intervention to improve tier 2 outcomes: Initial development and evaluation of the Student Intervention Matching (SIM) Form. Journal of School Psychology, 66, 11-24. doi: 10.1016/j.jsp.2017.10.005
Miller, F. G., *Crovello, N., Chafouleas, S. M. (2017). Progress monitoring the effects of daily report cards across elementary and secondary settings using Direct Behavior Rating – Single Item Scales. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 43, 34-47. doi: 10.1177/1534508417691019
Miller, F. G., *Cohen, D., Chafouleas, S. M., Riley-Tillman, T. C., Welsh, M. E., Fabiano, G. A. (2015). A comparison of measures to screen for social, emotional, and behavioral risk. School Psychology Quarterly, 30, 184-196. doi: 10.1037/spq0000085
Marx, T. A., & Miller, F. G. (2020, March). Strategies for setting data-driven behavioral Individualized Education Program goals. Webinar hosted by the National Center on Intensive Intervention.
*Goerdt, A., & Miller, F. G. (2020, February). Measuring emotion regulation strategies in children and adolescents. Poster presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Baltimore, MD.
*Muldrew, A., & Miller, F. G., *Bose, S. (2020, February). Culturally responsive PBIS activity improves class-wide behaviors of diverse students. Paper presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Baltimore, MD.
*Houri, A., & Miller, F. G. (2020, February). A validation study of BASC-3 BESS Teacher for Somali students. Paper presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Baltimore, MD.
*Christenson, A., Miller, F. G. (2020, January). Examining the effectiveness of an e-journal writing intervention for adolescents with depressive symptoms. Presentation at the Minnesota School Psychology Association Mid-Winter Conference. Plymouth, MN.
Miller, F. G. (2019, April). Supporting students with social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties – lessons learned. Invited presentation at the University of Wisconsin – Stout Psi Chi Speaker Series.
Miller, F. G., *Muldrew, A., *Christenson, A., *Houri, A., & Goerdt, A. (2019, February). Time-out techniques in school settings: A review of empirical studies. Poster presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Cooper, J. M., & Miller, F. G. (2019, February). Fostering university-school partnerships to reduce anxiety-related impairment among elementary students. Paper presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
*Erhardt, V., & Miller, F. G. (2019, February). Evaluating a modularized intervention to support students with anxiety. Poster presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
*Houri, A., & Miller, F. G. (2019, February). Examining screeners for social-emotional and behavioral aspects of kindergarten readiness. Poster presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Miller, F. G. (2018, August). Understanding social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties. Invited keynote presentation at the Minnesota Department of Education/Minnesota Association of School Administrators Back-To-School Conference. Brooklyn Park, MN.