Suzanne Loch
Senior teaching specialist
Office Hours
By appointment
Educational Psychology
163 Education Sciences Bldg.
56 East River Road
Minneapolis, MN 55455 - 626-8250
- Download Curriculum Vitae [PDF]

Areas of interest
- Helping students think critically about the statistics they consume every day
BS, Sociology, University of Minnesota
MA, Educational Psychology, University of Minnesota
What motivates me in my work?
Working with students one-on-one to help them grasp concepts or move past fears generated by the mathematical content of a statistics course is highly rewarding for me. Witnessing students achieve the visible "ah-ha" moments of understanding and seeing them engage with one another in the learning process, motivate and inspire my teaching practice.
What can students expect from me?
My course is well thought out and purposefully designed, incorporating activities that facilitate multiple ways to engage with the content. I am organized, respectful of students' time and happy to answer questions inside and outside of class. Students receive detailed, specific and prompt feedback on assignments and can access their grades at any time to know where they stand. I teach Introductory Statistics both exclusively online and in the classroom. During spring term one the classroom sections is linked with PSTL 1231: U.S. History: Multicultural Perspectives in a learning community that examines the theme of the American Dream. I am interested in helping students to think critically about the statistics they consume every day. My background in education guides how I help students achieve statistical literacy. All versions of the course emphasize problem solving and decision making. Specifically, students experience the research process; constructing a sampling plan, collecting data, analyzing results, and drawing conclusions. I am happy to talk with you further about these courses. Please feel free to email me with your questions.
Courses I teach
My background in education guides how I help students achieve statistical literacy. All my courses emphasize problem solving, decision making and communicating effectively. I am happy to talk with you further about these courses. Please feel free to email me with your questions. EPSY 3264 Basic and Applied Statistics (both exclusively online and in the classroom) EPSY 1261 Understanding Data Stories through Visualization & Computing Both of these course periodically may be linked with another course in the College of Education and Human Development during spring term as part of a learning community. EDHD 1525W—First-Year Inquiry: Multidisciplinary Ways of Knowing