Repetitive Behavior Scale for Early Childhood (RBS-EC)
The Repetitive Behavior Scale for Early Childhood (RBS-EC) is a questionnaire measure of restricted and repetitive behaviors designed for use in children from infancy through early school age. It is intended to capture individual differences across a broad range of behaviors associated with the repetitive behavior domain. The RBS-EC consists of 34 items across 4 subscales. It takes less than 10 minutes to administer and may be completed by parents, caregivers, or teachers.
The structure and content of the RBS-EC is based in part on that of the Repetitive Behavior Scale, Revised (RBS-R; Bodfish, Symons, Parker, & Lewis, 2000). Rather than focus on repetitive behavior as a clinical concern or problem behavior, the RBS-EC is intended to quantify dimensions of restricted and repetitive behaviors in children who are typically developing as well as those with or at-risk for a neurodevelopmental disorder.
The RBS-EC is freely available for research and clinical use. Please cite the following reference in any publication reporting data collected with the RBS-EC:
Wolff, J.J., Boyd, B.A., & Elison, J.T. (2016). A quantitative measure of restricted and repetitive behaviors for early childhood. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders. 8:27 DOI: 10.1186/s11689-016-9161-x