College of Education and Human Development

Department of Educational Psychology

Reading + Learning Lab


The primary questions addressed in the Reading + Learning Lab concern the relations amongst language, cognition, and learning, with a focus on reading comprehension. In addition to these core issues, the lab is also involved with the development of educational technology to support large-scale interventions and assessments.


  • We design and research AI tools that personalize comprehension instruction, interventions, and assessments in K-12 (e.g., Inference Galaxy funded by the Institute of Education Sciences; Project iSTART-Early).
  • We research the psychological drivers of misinformation about socio-scientific issues and factors that can reduce its impact (Mercury Project).
  • We research the conditions that promote knowledge revision during reading and effective science communication. We conduct basic research in traditional and digital environments that advances the science of reading and digital literacy.
  • We research and design AI tools that personalize coding comprehension for computer science majors and non-majors (iCODE Project)

Quote from Panayiota (Pani) Kendeou

Panayiota Kendeou

We are driven to understand and improve reading comprehension and learning with AI, while also identifying conditions that can reduce the impact of misinformation and misconceptions in our information ecosystem.

View recent Reading + Learning Lab publications on Kendeou's Google Scholar page.

Panayiota (Pani) Kendeou Lab director and professor Lab director and professor Psychological foundations of education program, Department of Educational Psychology Emphasis: Learning and cognition/educational technologies

Research group

Victoria Johnson headshot

Victoria Johnson

Lab coordinator; PhD graduate student, psychological foundations: learning and cognition/educational technologies

Victoria is interested in investigating effective methods of science communication in order to promote knowledge revision of scientific misconceptions and reduce misinformation.



Google Scholar

Heeryung Choi

Heeryung Choi

Postdoctoral Fellow, Learning Informatics Lab

Heeryung (“Hear”-“Young”) fosters self-regulated learning skills with and within technology. She believes that these skills are essential for learners to build autonomy in the context of future education and work.

Google Scholar

Rina M. Harsch headshot

Rina Miyata Harsch

PhD graduate student, psychological foundations: learning and cognition/educational technologies

Rina is interested in the cognitive processes that underlie learning from others and revising beliefs, particularly the roles of source features and explanation in these processes.

Bess Wilke headshot

Bess Wilke

PhD graduate student, special education

With a background in teaching special education, Bess is interested in reading comprehension in early learners with an emphasis on cognitive processes and intervention.

Josephy Burey headshot

Joseph Burey

PhD graduate student: psychological foundations: learning and cognition/educational technologies

Joseph is interested in the social psychology of identity representation in text.

Ali J. Fulsher headshot

Ali Fulsher

PhD graduate student, psychological foundations: learning and cognition/educational technologies

Ali is interested in the cognitive and metacognitive skills needed to effectively search for, evaluate, and learn from print and digital texts. She is committed to teaching adults these skills and making high quality information more publicly accessible.

Yewon Kang headshot

Yewon Kang

PhD graduate student, psychological foundations: learning and cognition/educational technologies

Yewon is interested in cognitive learning strategies and their application to technology-based interventions, with a focus on STEM education, reading comprehension, and digital literacy.

Amanda Jensen headshot

Amanda Jensen

PhD graduate student, psychological foundations: learning and cognition/educational technologies

With a background of teaching middle school students, Amanda is interested in reading comprehension, especially with adolescent readers. Additionally she is interested in Natural Language Processing, multilevel text analyses, and simplified/parallel texts.

Luan Chau

Luan Chau

PhD graduate student, psychological foundations: learning and cognition/educational technologies

Luan is interested in the cognitive processes underlying learning from texts, particularly how misunderstandings in conceptual learning contribute to misconceptions. Additionally, he/she explores the role of technology in text-based learning and is committed to promoting AI literacy among educational stakeholders.

YooJeong Son

YooJeong Son

PhD graduate student, psychological foundations: learning and cognition/educational technologies

YooJeong is interested in factors affecting K-12 learners' literacy, cognition, and comprehension, along with the application of technology for personalized literacy interventions.

Louise Zhuang

Louise Zhuang

MA graduate student, psychological foundations of education

Louise is interested in the communication of science between academia and non-academic communities, and believes in agency and autonomy as sources of resilience in children at-risk.

Wei Zhang

Wei (Vincy) Zhang

MA graduate student, psychological foundations: learning & cognition

Wei (Vincy) is interested in exploring the intersection of AI in education, utilizing AI tools to enhance education. She is also interested in researching  and designing AI tools.

Rakshithaa Kanakarajan Selvarathinam

Rakshithaa Kanakarajan Selvarathinam

MS, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Rakshithaa specializes in natural language processing and human-computer interaction, focusing on reasoning models powered by AI for adaptive learning. Her research integrates machine learning, dialogue systems, and information retrieval to enhance interactive and intelligent educational technologies.

Sador Wondeson

Sador Wondeson

Undergraduate student, Psychology

Sador is interested in how reading comprehension can be evaluated and improved by investigating underlying memory encoding strategies.


HyeJin Hwang

Assistant professor, psychological foundations: learning and cognition/educational technologies

HyeJin Hwang is interested in comprehension and content learning in K-12 settings, particularly in multilingual students. Her lab, LILAC (Literacy, Language, Content learning, and Culture), collaborates with the Reading + Learning Lab. 

Twitter: @theHJHwang

Google Scholar

Lab alumni

Jasmine Kim

PhD (2024): psychological foundations: learning and cognition/educational technologies
Current position: Reading Analyst, PISA

Gregory Trevors

Post-doctoral fellow (2015-2017), psychological foundations: learning and cognition/educational technologies
Current position: Assistant professor, University of South Carolina

Kelsey Will

PhD (2022): psychological foundations: learning and cognition/educational technologies
Current position: Researcher, University of Minnesota

Reese Butterfuss

PhD (2020): psychological foundations: learning and cognition/educational technologies
Current position: Research Scientist, HumRRO

Martin Van Boekel

PhD (2016), psychological foundations: learning and cognition/educational technologies
Current position: Teaching assistant professor, University of Minnesota

Justine Scattarelli

MA (2023), psychological foundations: learning and cognition/educational technologies

Kyle Stagnaro

MA (2023), psychological foundations: learning and cognition/educational technologies

Daheen Choi

MA (2021), psychological foundations: learning and cognition/educational technologies

Sarah Cox

MA (2022), psychology: cognitive and brain sciences

Ellen (Elly) Orcutt

MA (2022), school psychology
Current position: School psychologist, Mankato Schools

Jessica Van Gilder

MA (2017), liberal studies

Bader Mohsen

MA (2016), psychological foundations: learning and cognition/educational technologies

Indigo Rudduck

BA (2023) and Research associate, psychology

Solomon Como

BA, psychology

Savannah Wisenhunt

BA (2022), psychology and studies in cinema and media cultures

Cat Stockley

BA (2021), psychology

Maddie Dagitz

BS (2020), psychology and Spanish

Maggie Inah O'Brien

BS (2020), psychology with learning technologies minor
Current position: PhD student, University of Illinois at Chicago

Liz Weiers

BS (2020), psychology

Joseph Aubele

R+L lab manager (2018-2019)
Current position: PhD student, University of California - Irvine

Tyler Szydlo

BSc (2018)

Katherine Hock

BSc (2018), psychology

Previous visiting scholars

Eleonora Pizzigallo

Visiting PhD graduate student (2024-2025); University of Padova in Padova, Italy

Yi-Lun Jheng

Visiting PhD graduate student (2023); University of Antwerp in Antwerp, Belgium

Pauline Frick

Visiting PhD graduate student (2022); Institut für Wissensmedien in Tübingen, Germany

Ignacio Máñez Sáez

Visiting PhD graduate student (2016), University of Valencia, Spain

Marloes Muijselaar

Visiting PhD graduate student (2015), University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Katinka Beker

Visiting PhD graduate student (2014), Leiden University, The Netherlands