Alaa Houri, Ph.D. student in Ed Psych, awarded Russell W. Burris Memorial Fellowship

Alaa Houri, doctoral student in school psychology in the Department of Educational Psychology, has been awarded the Russell W. Burris Memorial Fellowship. This fellowship is awarded to students in Educational Psychology who demonstrate outstanding academic merit. Alaa is working with Dr. Amanda Sullivan to study the social-emotional needs of students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, with a focus on children from immigrant families and effective services and supports.
The Russell W. Burris Memorial Fellowship is a new award established in memory of Russell Burris, professor emeritus of educational psychology. Dr. Burris studied what and how we learn, in particular “expertness,” focusing on areas that included trial advocacy, clinical medicine, and art history. To donate to the Russell W. Burris Memorial Fellowship in Educational Psychology, visit the Department of Educational Psychology’s giving page. In the field next to “Other,” type “Fund 20556” and select “Give now.”