Patricia Veach
Professor Emeritus
Educational Psychology
250 Education Sciences Bldg.
56 East River Road
Minneapolis, MN 55455 -

Patricia Veach's research focuses on training and supervision of human service professionals, in particular mental health counselors and genetic counselors; process variables in helping relationships (e.g., helper self-disclosure, feedback, and self-efficacy); and psychosocial aspects of genetic conditions. Veach applies methods and concepts from counseling psychology in collaborative, cross-disciplinary research with genetic counseling.
Awards and honors
Member, Distinguished Academy of Teachers, University of Minnesota
Recipient, Outstanding Contributions to Post-Baccalaureate, Graduate, and Professional Education Award, University of Minnesota
Recipient, Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Recipient, Minnesota Psychological Association (MPA) Outstanding Graduate Faculty in Psychology Award.
Assistant Editor, Journal of Genetic Counseling
Editorial Board Member, Training and Education in Professional Psychology
“Every Picture Tells a Story”: Effects of Photographic Images on Perceptions and Attitudes about Genetic Conditions, Consortium on Law and Values in Health, Environment, and the Life Sciences, University of Minnesota.
A Practical Guide for the Design, Implementation, and Publication of Genetic Counseling Student Research, Audrey Heimler Special Projects Award, National Society of Genetic Counselors.
McCarthy Veach, P., Willaert, R., & LeRoy, B.S. (2008). Providing and receiving feedback in clinical supervision: A supplemental DVD workbook. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
LeRoy, B.S., McCarthy Veach, P., & Bartels, D.M. (eds.). (2010). Genetic counseling practice: Advanced concepts and skills. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
McCarthy Veach, P., LeRoy, B.S., & Bartels, D.M. (2003). Facilitating the genetic counseling process: A practice manual. New York: Springer/Verlag Publications.
McCarthy Veach, P., & LeRoy, B. (2009). Student supervision: Strategies for providing direction, guidance, and support. In W.R. Uhlmann, J. L. Schuette, and B.Yashar (Eds.), A guide to genetic counseling (2nd ed.) New York: John Wily & Sons, 401-434.
Eubanks, S., McCarthy Veach, P., MacFarlane, Borders, L.D., LeRoy, B.S., & Callanan, N. (in press). Genetic counseling supervisor competencies: Results of a Delphi study. Journal of Genetic Counseling.
McCarthy Veach, P. (2011). Reflections on the meaning of clinician self-reference: Are we speaking the same language? Psychotherapy, 48, 349-358.
McCarthy Veach, P. & LeRoy, B.S. (2011). DOI 10.1007/s10897-011-9427-0Defining moments in genetic counselor professional development: One decade later. Journal of Genetic Counseling.
Slater, R., McCarthy Veach, P., & Li, Z. (2012). (DOI) 10.1007/s10755-012-9221-4 Recognizing and managing countertransference in the college classroom: An exploration of expert teachers’ inner experiences. Innovations in Higher Education.
VandenLangenberg, E., McCarthy Veach, P., Glessner, H., & LeRoy, B.S. (2012). DOI: 10.1007/s10897-012-9499-5 Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Patients’ Recommendations for Genetic Counselors: A Qualitative Investigation. Journal of Genetic Counseling.
Glessner, H., VandenLangenberg, E., McCarthy Veach, P., & LeRoy, B.S. (2012). Are genetic counselors and GLBT patients “on the same page”? an investigation of attitudes, practices, and genetic counseling experiences. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 21, 326-336.
Kopesky, J., McCarthy Veach, P., Lian, F., & LeRoy, B.S. (2011). Where are the males? Gender differences in undergraduates' interest in and perceptions of the genetic counseling profession. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 20, 341-354..
Swartwood, R., McCarthy Veach, P., Kuhne, J., Lee, H.K., & Ji, K. (2011). Surviving grief: An analysis of the exchange of hope in online grief communities. Omega--Journal of Death and Dying, 63, 161-181.
Jungbluth, C., MacFarlane, I.M., McCarthy Veach, P., & LeRoy, B.S. (2011). Why is everyone so anxious?: An exploration of stress and anxiety in genetic counseling graduate students. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 20, 270-286.
Gu, L., McCarthy Veach, P., Eubanks, S., LeRoy, B.S., & Callanan, N. (2011). Boundary issues and multiple relationships in genetic counseling supervision: Supervisor, non-supervisor, and student perspectives. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 20, 35-48.
Paine, A., McCarthy Veach, P., MacFarlane, I., Thomas, B., Ahrens, M., & LeRoy, B.S. (2010). What would you do if you were me?” Effects of counselor self-disclosure versus non-disclosure in a hypothetical genetic counseling session. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 19, 570-584.
Hines, K., McCarthy Veach, P., & LeRoy, B.S. (2010). Genetic counselors' perceived responsibilities regarding reproductive issues for patients at risk for Huntington Disease. Journal of Genetic Counseling,19, 131-147.
Kang, H., McCarthy Veach, P., & LeRoy, B.S. (2010). Concerns of South Korean patients and family members affected with genetic conditions: A content analysis of internet website messages. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 19, 280-295.
Resta, R.G., McCarthy Veach, P, Charles, S., Vogel, K., Blase, T., & Palmer, C.G.S. (2010). Publishing a master’s thesis: A guide for authors. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 19, 217-227.
Runyon, M., Zahm. K., McCarthy Veach, P., & LeRoy, B.S. (2010). What do genetic counselors learn on the job? A qualitative assessment of professional development. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 19, 371-386.
Alliman, S., McCarthy Veach, P., Bartels, D.M., Lian, F., James, C., & LeRoy, B.S. (2009). Ethical and professional challenges in clinical practice: A comparative analysis of Australian and U.S. genetic counselors. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 18, 379-394.
Selkirk, C.G., McCarthy Veach, P., Lian, F., Schimmenti, L., & LeRoy, B.S. (2009). Parents' perceptions of autism spectrum disorder etiology and recurrence risk and effects of their perceptions on family planning: Recommendations for genetic counselors. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 18, 507-519.
Lee, H., McCarthy Veach, P., & LeRoy, B.S. (2009). An investigation of relationships among genetic counselors supervision skills and multicultural counseling competence. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 18, 287-299.
Austin, J.C., Palmer, C.G.S., Rosen-Sheidley, B., McCarthy Veach, P., Gettig, E., & Peay, H.L. (2008) Psychiatric disorders in clinical genetics II: Individualizing recurrence risks. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 17, 18-29.
Awwad, R., McCarthy Veach, P., Bartels, D.M., & LeRoy, B.S. (2008). Culture and acculturation influences on Palestinian perceptions of prenatal genetic counseling. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 17, 101-116.
Hong, Z.R., Lin, H.S., & McCarthy Veach, P. (2008). Effects of an extracurricular science intervention on science performance, self-worth, social skills, and sexist attitudes of Taiwanese adolescents from single-parent families. Sex Roles, 59, 555-567.
Peay, H.L., McCarthy Veach, P., Palmer, C.G.S., Rosen-Sheidley, B.R., Gettig, E., & Austin, J.C. (2008). Psychiatric disorders in clinical genetics I: Addressing family histories of psychiatric illness. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 17, 6-17.
Sanger, S., & McCarthy Veach, P. (2008). The interpersonal nature of suicide: A qualitative investigation of suicide notes. Archives of Suicide Research,12, 352-365.
Udipi, S., McCarthy Veach, P., Kao, J., & LeRoy, B.S. (2008). The psychic costs of empathic engagement: Personal and demographic predictor of genetic counselor compassion fatigue. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 17, 459-471.
Zahm, K., McCarthy Veach, P., & LeRoy B.S. (2008). An investigation of genetic counselor experiences in peer group supervision, Journal of Genetic Counseling, 17, 220-233.
Benoit, L. G., McCarthy Veach, P., & LeRoy, B. S. (2007). When you care enough to do your very best: Genetic counselor experiences of compassion fatigue. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 16, 299-312.