John Romano
Professor Emeritus
Educational Psychology
250 Education Sciences Bldg.
56 East River Road
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Areas of interest
- The science and practice of preventive interventions to reduce psychological distress and problems of living
- Preventive interventions that help people appreciate their strengths and that teach life skills and facilitate personal understanding
Ph.D., Arizona State University
John Romano's research and writing has had a particularly strong focus on the science and practice of preventive interventions to reduce psychological distress and problems of living. He is interested in preventive interventions that help people appreciate their strengths and that teach life skills and facilitate personal understanding.
Romano's academic and professional career has included teaching and counseling of nontraditional college students, graduate education, higher education administration, and consultation with K-12 school districts. Since serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in Nigeria, he has had an interest in international psychology and has collaborated with human development specialists, counselors, and psychologists in different countries.
- Faculty Mentor Recognition, American Psychological Association, International Psychology Division
- Lifetime Achievement Award, Prevention Section, Society of Counseling Psychology, American Psychological Association
- Fellow, American Psychological Association, Society of Counseling Psychology
- Fellow, Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Minnesota
- Faculty Mentor Award, University of Minnesota, General College Student Board
- Research Award, American Personnel and Guidance Association
- Licensed Psychologist, Minnesota
- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Minnesota
- Editorial Boards: The Counseling Psychologist (2008-2011), Journal of Counseling and Development (2006-09), Hacettepe University Journal of Education (Turkey)
- Minnesota Board of Psychology (2000-2008)
Selected grant projects
- U. S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Educational Partnership Program—Thailand
- Wallace-Reader’s Digest Fund to Evaluate National Innovative Graduate Programs for the Training of School Counselors
- University of Minnesota Professional Studies. Mental Health Practice Initiatives
- U.S. Department of Education, Drug Free Schools and Communities School Personnel Training
Selected consulting
- National Summit on Classroom Management and School Violence Prevention. American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence
- External Examiner, University of Malaya, Malaysia
- External Examiner, National Institute of Education, Singapore
- Visiting Professor, Faculty of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
- Korea Youth Counseling Institute, Seoul, Korea
- St. Paul Public Schools. Profile of Learning, High School Graduation Standards
Hage, S. M., Romano, J. L., Conyne, R. K., Kenny. M., Matthews, C., Schwartz, J. P., & Waldo, M. (2007). Best practices guidelines on prevention practice, research, training, and social advocacy for psychologists. The Counseling Psychologist, 35, 493-566.
Hage, S. M., Romano, J. L., Conyne, R. K., Kenny, M., Schwartz, J. P., & Waldo, M. (2007). Walking the talk: Implementing the prevention guidelines and transforming the profession of psychology. The Counseling Psychologist, 35, 594-604.
Romano, J. L. & Netland, J. The application of the theory of reasoned action and planned behavior to prevention science in counseling psychology. The Counseling Psychologist. (in press)
Tuicomepee, A., & Romano, J. L. (2006). Children and adolescents in natural disasters: Psychological implications for Thai youth affected by the 2004 tsunami. Thai Mental Health Journal, 14, 134-141.
Romano, J. L., Goh, M., & Wahl, K. H. (2005). School Counseling in the United States: Implications for the Asia-Pacific region. Asia Pacific Education Review, 6, 113-123.
Tuicomepee, A., & Romano, J. L. (2005). Psychological well-being of Thai drug users. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 27, 431-444.
Romano, J.L. & Kachgal, M.M. (2004). Counseling psychology and school counseling: An underutilized partnership. The Counseling Psychologist, 32, 184-215.
Romano, J.L. & Kachgal, M.M. (2004). Expanding the dialogue to improve schools and develop healthy kids. The Counseling Psychologist, 32, 292-300.
Romano, J.L., Hoesing, R., O’Donovan, K., & Weinsheimer, J. (2004). Faculty at mid-career: A program to enhance teaching and learning. Innovative Higher Education, 29, 21-48.
Romano, J.L. & D’Rosario, V. (2004). Group counselling: Theory, process and applications. In E. Tan (Ed.), Counselling in Schools: Theories, processes and techniques (pp. 134-154). Singapore: McGraw-Hill.
Romano, J.L., & Cikanek, K.L. (2003). Group Work and Computer Applications: Instructional Components for Graduate Students. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 28, 23-34.
Romano, J.L. (2001). Stress, Coping, and Well-Being: Applications of Theory to Practice. In E. Welfel & R.E. Ingersoll (Eds.), The Mental Health Desk Reference, (pp. 44-51). New York: Wiley.
Romano, J.L., & Sullivan, B.A. (2000). Simulated Group Counseling for Group Work Training: A Four-Year Research Study of Group Development. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 25, 366-375.
Romano, J.L., & Hage, S.M. (2000). Prevention and Counseling Psychology: Revitalizing Commitments for the 21st Century. The Counseling Psychologist, 28, 733-763.
Romano, J.L., & Hage, S.M. (2000). Prevention: A Call to Action. The Counseling Psychologist, 28, 854-856.
D'Rozario, V., & Romano, J.L. (2000). Perceptions of Counselor effectiveness: A Study of Two Country Groups. Counseling Psychology Quarterly, 14, 51-63.