College of Education and Human Development

Department of Educational Psychology

David DeLiema featured on the Psychology in the Classroom podcast

David DeLiema featured on Psychology in the Classroom

Dr. David DeLiema, assistant professor in the Department of Educational Psychology's psychological foundations of education program, was recently interviewed for The British Psychological Society's Psychology in the Classroom podcast as part of their series on failure.

The episode, "Teachers v Pupils: differing views of failure," featured the recent journal article, "Contrasting stances at the crossroads of debugging learning opportunities." This article was co-authored by Dr. DeLiema; Dr. Ashley Hufnagle, a Department of Educational Psychology alum and current assistant professor at St. Catherine University; and Miguel Ovies-Bocanegra from Northwestern University. The article focuses on three students in a computer science class and their processes of overcoming coding impasses.

Dr. DeLiema talks about how when thinking about failure, teachers, parents, and researchers tend to focus on a single goal when these moments of failure are multifaceted. This can lead to teachers' and pupils' views of a failure moment diverging and result in frustration and blame.

This episode is available online, via Spotify and Apple Podcasts.