Chelsey Legacy
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Teaching assistant professor
Educational Psychology
250 Education Sciences Bldg.
56 East River Road
Minneapolis, MN 55455 -
- Download Curriculum Vitae [PDF]

Areas of interest
- Statistics education
- Data science education
- Multivariate thinking
- Computational thinking in statistics and data science education
Educational Psychology, PhD, University of Minnesota
Statistics, MS, Iowa State University
Mathematics, BS, St. Lawrence University
My research interests are in teaching and learning statistics. In particular, I study multivariate thinking, visualization, and computing in statistics and data science courses. My research interests inform my teaching as I work to modernize the curriculum to better integrate these important skills. I aim to make teaching statistics both informative and engaging for students, and to ease any anxieties they may have when entering my classroom. I have taught both undergraduate (EPSY 3264) and graduate (EPSY 5261) level introductory statistics courses here at the University of Minnesota.
Legacy, C., Zieffler, A., Brondos Fry, E., & Le, L. (2022). Computes: Development of an instrument to measure introductory statistics instructors’ emphasis on computational practices. Statistics Education Research Journal, 21(1), 7.
Legacy, C., Zieffler, A., Baumer, B. S., Barr, V., & Horton, N. J. (2022). Facilitating team-based data science: Lessons learned from the DSC-WAV project. Foundations of Data Science.
Legacy, C., Zieffler, A., Fry, E., Le, L. (2021, August). COMPUTES: Evaluating the state of computing in introductory statistics. [Poster presentation]. 12th Annual Satellite Conference of the International Association for Statistical Education, online.
Legacy, C., Rao, V. N., Zieffler, A., & delMas, R. (2022). Data to graphs and back: Secondary teachers’ reasoning about the aesthetic mappings that link data and visualizations. In K. Makar, and D. Ben-Zvi (Eds.), Proceedings of SRTL-12.