Carolyn Berger
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Teaching associate professor
Educational Psychology
250 Education Sciences Bldg.
56 East River Road
Minneapolis, MN 55455 - 612-624-4885

Areas of interest
- Postsecondary and career readiness
- Gender identity
- Accountability practices
- Best practices for designing and evaluating research-based counseling interventions
- School-based mental health
- University and school collaborations and partnerships
PhD, counselor education, University of Florida
MEd & EdS, counselor education, University of Florida
BA, psychology, Northwestern University
My research interests center around the theme of helping children and adolescents maximize their achievement and well-being. I am passionate about advocating for underserved children in school settings. Currently I am working with school counselors across the nation to establish better school practices and policies that support gender nonconforming students. I enjoy involving students in my projects and serve as a research adviser/mentor on student projects as well.
I teach several core CSPP courses including ethics, career counseling, social/cultural contexts in counseling, and group counseling. I imbed multicultural competencies and diversity training in all my courses as counselors must be able to understand the varying worldviews of clients and students in today’s diverse society. I also emphasize research and evidence-based practices throughout my teaching; however, these practices must always be evaluated based on clients’ characteristics and cultural backgrounds.
I maintain active involvement in professional associations, including the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) and the American Counseling Association (ACA), and I have held leadership positions within state level counseling organizations. This professional involvement is critical as it helps me stay up to date with counseling research, evidence-based interventions, and teaching practices. Community engagement is extremely valuable and therefore I work with schools, counseling centers, and practitioners on a regular basis.
Berger, C., & Silva Gleason, C. (in preparation). School Counselor Perceptions of Preparedness and Supports for Gender Diverse Students. Manuscript in preparation.
Cigrand, D., Berger, C., Ohrtman, M. & Chen, C. (submitted). Essential Components of School-Based Mental Health Services: School Counselor Perceptions & Experiences. Manuscript submitted.
Mariani, M., Sink, C., Villares, E., & Berger, C. (2019). Measuring Classroom Climate: A Validation Study of the My Child’s Classroom Inventory-Short Form for Parents. Professional School Counseling, 22(1).
Berger, C., Valenzuela, J., Tsikis, J., & Fletcher, C. (2018). School Professionals’ Knowledge and Beliefs about Youth with Chronic Illness. Journal of School Health, 88(8). 615-623.
Mariani, M., Berger, C., Sandlin, C., & Koerner, K. (2017). Operation Occupation: A College and Career Readiness Intervention for Elementary Students. Professional School Counseling, 20(1), 65-76.
Berger, C. A. (2013). Bring out the brilliance: A counseling intervention for underachieving students. Professional School Counseling, 13, 86-96.
Berger, C. (November, 2019). Educator Preparedness and Supports for Gender Diverse Students. 50 minute roundable at the International Conference on Education and Social Justice, Honolulu, HI.
Berger, C. (October, 2019). Counseling Gender Diverse Clients. 60 minute presentation at the Minnesota Counseling Association, Anoka, MN.
Berger, C. (September, 2019). Implementing Positive Psychology in the Classroom. 2 hour presentation for China Center's Mingda Institute for Leadership Training Series. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Berger, C. & Ohrtman, M. (August, 2019). Closing the Achievement Gap: The School Counselor’s Role. 1 hour presentation to the Anoka County School District Counselors, Anoka, MN.
Cigrand, D., Berger, C., & Ohrtman, M. (April, 2019). Essential Components of School-Based Mental Health Services: School Counselor Perceptions and Experiences. 50 minute presentation at the Minnesota School Counselor Association Conference, St. Paul, MN.
Berger, C., Galuska, B., & Ohrtman, M. (March, 2019). Building Research-Informed School Counseling Programs: A School District-University Collaboration. 50 minute presentation at the Evidence Based School Counseling Conference, Columbus, OH.
Berger, C., & Ohrtman, M. (July, 2018). Revitalize Your Elementary College and Career Readiness Program. 60 minute presentation at the American School Counselor Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Berger, C., & Silva Gleason, C. (July, 2018). Creating Safe Schools by Celebrating Gender Diversity. American School Counselor Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Berger, C., Silva Gleason, C., Osbeck, A. & Maxfield, A. (April, 2018). Best Practices for Supporting Gender Nonconforming Students. Presentation at the Minnesota School Counselor Association Conference, Brainerd, MN.
Berger, C., Valenzuela, J., & Tsikis, J. (March, 2018). Meeting the Needs of Students with Chronic Illness: Outcomes of a Mixed Methods Study. Presentation at the Evidence Based School Counseling Conference, New York, NY.
Ohrtman, M., & Berger, C. (February, 2018). Social Media and its Effects on Our Students. Three 60 minute presentations to St. Paul Public Schools’ Elementary, Middle, and High School Counselors.
Berger, C. (November, 2017). Supporting Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students. 90 minute presentation at the Minneapolis Metro School Counselor Association Fall Professional Development Session.
Berger, C., Kunze, J. & Sweitzer, J. (June, 2017). Enhancing Your College and Career Readiness Program. Four hour presentation offered by the University of Minnesota’s Counseling and Student Personnel Psychology division and College Readiness Consortium, Minneapolis, MN.
Berger, C. (May, 2017). Advocating for Your School Counseling Program in the Real World. 50 minute presentation at the Minnesota School Counselor Association Conference, Brainerd, MN.
Berger, C. (March, 2017). A Pilot Project for a Middle School College & Career Readiness Intervention. 50 minute presentation at the Evidence Based School Counseling Conference, San Diego.
Berger, C., Schulman, B., Thompson, E., & O’Brien, E. (July, 2016). A Recipe for Raising PK-12 Students’ College Aspirations. Presentation at the American School Counselor Association Conference, New Orleans.
Berger, C. (April, 2016). Incorporating College and Career Readiness into Your School Counseling Program. Roundtable at the American Counseling Association (ACA)/ Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Berger, C., & Schumacher, R. (March, 2016). Preparing School Counselors-in-Training to Provide CCR Services that Ensure Equity & Access. Presentation at the Innovations in School Counselor Preparation Conference, Athens, GA.
Berger, C. (February, 2016). Measuring the Effectiveness of College & Career Readiness Interventions. Presentation at the Evidence-Based School Counseling Conference, Athens, GA.