Brynn Kraning
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Office Hours
All are welcomed and encouraged to pop into my Zoom room or to schedule an appointment with me! Whether you want to discuss all things Deaf education or just want to chat over a cup of coffee/tea on Zoom, I would love to connect with you.
Educational Psychology
250 Education Sciences Bldg.
56 East River Road
Minneapolis, MN 55455 -

Areas of interest
- Educator-family communication through technology in early childhood Deaf education
- Mindfulness and well-being practices in Deaf education
- Development of linguistically and culturally relevant ASL resources for educators and families that supports language acquisition, literacy development, and well-being of Deaf children
B.S. Education and Human Sciences at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln
M.Ed Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education at Utah State University
Ph.D. Deaf Education at the University of Minnesota
I strive to train compassionate and mindful students who are to become highly qualified teachers of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children who represent culturally, linguistically, and racially diverse backgrounds. In preparing future teachers, I model my own excitement and passion for Deaf education with thoughtful design and delivery of course content (online and in-person) while building meaningful connections with students through the many chapters of their coursework experiences!
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
Golos, D., Moses, A., Roemen, B., Broadrick, A. (in press). Educational apps in ASL: What do they offer young children? American Annals of the Deaf. In press.
Golos, D., Moses, A., Dolezal, L., Roemen, B., Broadrick, A. (in press). It’s a match! A pilot study examining the Peter’s Picture Interactive Educational App in ASL. Deaf Studies Digital Journal. In press.
Golos, D., Moses, A., Roemen, B., Cregan, G. (2018). Cultural and linguistic role models: A survey of early childhood educators of the deaf. Sign Language Studies 19, 40-74.
Moses, A., Golos, D., Roemen, B. (2016). The current state of early literacy for deaf and hearing children: A survey of early childhood educators. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy.
Book and Media Publications
Roemen, B., Golos, D., Moder. A, (2023) Integrating Technology into Early Childhood Education: For Families and Educators. IGI Global
Roemen, B. & Ross, L. (2023) Game On Series: Deaf artists are everywhere! (Lee, Y. Illus.) Wonder Books. Michigan State University.
Roemen, B. & Ross, L. (2023) Sound Stories Series: Roan makes Deaf art. (Ramborger, M. Illus.) Wonder Books. Michigan State University.
Golos, D., Holcomb, L., Roemen, B., Timm, D. (2021). Building a foundation of language video series: Families series: For families with Deaf and Hard of Hearing children [Video]. Minnesota Department of Health/Minnesota Commission of the Deaf, DeafBlind & Hard of Hearing.
Golos, D., Holcomb, L., Roemen, B., Timm, D. (2021). Building a foundation of language video series: Professional series: For professionals working with families of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children [Video]. Minnesota Department of Health/Minnesota Commission of the Deaf, DeafBlind & Hard of Hearing.